Bicycle Delivery
Price List
Argostoli - 8km
8 -10 km 20€
11-15km 35€
16 - 20km 45€
21 - 30km 55€
31 - 40km 70€
41 - 50+km 80€
Click Here
* FREE DELIVERY to the Airport - All prices include collection
- Check the distance from Argostoli to your place on Google maps
The delivery service is available for 2+ days rental
The delivery service is available for 2+ days rental
Scooter-Quad Delivery
Price List low Season
Argostoli - 8km
8 -12 km FREE
12-15km 25€
16 - 20km 35€
21 - 30km 75€
31 - 40km 90€
41 - 50+km 100€
Click Here
* FREE DELIVERY to the Airport - All prices include collection
- Check the distance from Argostoli to your place on Google maps
* The delivery service is available for 3+ days rental for scooters and 2+ days rental for quad bikes
* The delivery service is available for 3+ days rental for scooters and 2+ days rental for quad bikes
Scooter-Quad Delivery
Price List High Season
Argostoli - 8km
8 -10 km 25€
11-15km 40€
16 - 20km 60€
21 - 30km 85€
31 - 40km 110€
41 - 50+km 120€
Click Here
* FREE DELIVERY to the Airport - All prices include collection
- Check the distance from Argostoli to your place on Google maps -Minimum rental period 3 days -High Season (July - August )
* The delivery service is available for 3+ days rental for scooters and 2+ days rental for quad bikes
* The delivery service is available for 3+ days rental for scooters and 2+ days rental for quad bikes